Hub Table Representatives

Child Abuse

As a member of the community, if you believe a child may be neglected or abused, you have a legal responsibility to immediately report your concerns.

  • Time is of the essence in ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Immediately report all incidents of suspected, observed or disclosed abuse.
  • Do not wait until you have all information before reporting the abuse.
  • You have an ongoing duty to report child abuse, even if you believe a report has already been made.
  • If you believe the child or other children must be protected from further abuse, please contact the police.
  • Do not contact the alleged perpetrator.

Contact Social Services or RCMP immediately.


All details of a referral are kept confidential

Hub Tables use a four-filter process to determine if individual cases meet the acutely elevated risk threshold, to guide decision-making regarding whether or not to share private and confidential information, and to determine if collaborative intervention is necessary to mitigate risk. Only the agencies identified as potential supports will be given access to personal information of the referred case.